Do you need help with your Consent Orders?

If you are going through a marriage or relationship breakup, your primary objective should be to obtain Consent Orders.

Consent Orders are agreements between the parties as to how their property should be divided.  The agreements are made into court orders and then filed on the court portal. They provide certainty and security and allow people to move on successfully with their lives. Consent Orders and other agreements can also be used to determine what arrangements should be made for the care of children.

I can help you obtain Consent Orders with my Lawfully Uncoupling Program.  This is the system I developed over the last 33 years as an accredited specialist family lawyer, and is the best way to obtain a successful separation

The program is inspired by the book “Conscious Uncoupling” by US family therapist Katherine Woodward Thomas.  The term came to fame in 2014 when UK actress Gweneth Paltrow announced and her musician husband Chris Martin were going through a “consciously uncoupling” process. It is a wonderful book and I recommend it to anyone going through a relationship breakup.

The Lawfully Uncoupling program assists former couples to disentangle their lives with consideration and goodwill in a practical, efficient and cost-effective way. I work in cooperation with clients to assist and empower them to fully understand their rights and legal entitlements and make sure they obtain them. 

I provide the following:

·        a detailed Guidebook explaining exactly what they need to know and do in order to obtain Consent Orders

·        I enable clients to come to an agreement with the other party

·        I file the two court forms, the Application for Consent Orders form and the Minutes of Orders form

·        Finally, I obtain the stamped orders and assist them to implement the agreement

I make a commitment to keep clients out of court and complexity if at all possible and provide a quality online service, which minimises emotional harm and above all, minimises expense. It emphasises positivity, achieves the best results, and is the most effective way to have a successful separation and move on with your life.

If you are interested or like to know more, call me for a free initial chat or email me with any questions. Or, you can book a free online appointment, with me wherever you are in Australia or beyond.   

Modern Divorce Solutions Phone  02 8075 0141 | Email

Andrew Corish, BA LLB, Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer.

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